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Another Waltz -- Kathy Otten

Another Waltz

Short Story

After a magical waltz in a winter wonderland with the only man who has ever made her believe she is beautiful, Madeline Winthrop doesn't think life could be anymore perfect--until the night of the Christmas ball when she learns everything James Sullivan has told her is a lie.

Revenge against Madeline's brother forces James to do what ever is necessary to get back what was stolen from him, even if he has to use Madeline to do it. But the one thing he doesn't count on is the way she makes him feel.

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5 Stars and a Recommended Read from Two Lips Reviews
“…took me completely by surprise. I loved Another Waltz and the    
 heartfelt sensitivity of Kathy Otten as she penned it.”
Reviewed by Mac

5 Stars from You Gotta Read
 “…a great romance with a bit of mystery… Otten takes the tale and  
gives it an unexpected twist that makes it totally fresh. Overall a
magical read.” Reviewed by Zara Yates


(Victorian, Christmas)
Rating: Sensual
Page Count: 89
Word Count: 23544
978-1-61217-526-3 Digital

He pulled away, and she blinked up at him in a daze. His chest rose and fell as his breath escaped his parted lips in wispy clouds. He shook his head and smiled.

“Ye are not clumsy, Maddy. And when ye are in me arms, ye’ll glide around the room like a swan.”

Her heart leapt. “Oh, James, it sounds so wonderful, but...”

“We’ll dance all night. I’ll not be giving ye up to anyone else.”

“People will talk.”

“Let them talk. I want to marry ye.”

Madeline gaped at him stunned. Surely he was teasing. “But I’ve known you less than two weeks.”

“Marry me, Maddy, and we’ll dance every night for the rest o’ our lives.”

James offered her a lifetime with his smile, and because she ached so desperately to believe he loved her, she said yes.

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